October 1, 2020

Fullstack Programmer

Designed a full-stack website for a client that ran an annual event called the Tuskbuddy Exchange, an event where people would upload their art for others to see. The customer requested that the website do a few things via the naming conventions of each file such as dynamically creating new pages for every name found within the list of file names and filtering images based around the file names. Using tools such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, the website went through a successful one-month development cycle and was launched onto the internet in time for the event to begin. The client was pleased with the results and continued to use the website for all future Tuskbuddy Exchange events.


Full Website Design

  • Client


Key Points:

– Sole Programmer and UI/UX designer for the project

– Quick delivery of service alongside quick revisions

– Consistent conversation with client about the ongoing of project

– Interaction with both frontend and backend tools
